One Boy’s Transformation After Speech Rehabilitation

by | Dec 20, 2024

As a parent, it can be hard accept the fact that your child may have a communication issue. Helping a child face the challenges that come with speech and communication issues, is daunting task. The first step is to acknowledge the problem, and then find a qualified provider and treatment plan.

With the proper therapeutic solutions, children can over come their communication issues and break through barriers that have held them back.

This story is about a young boy named, Will Whitworth. Will’s mother Amanda, realized her son had a speech issue, so she connected with a speech and occupational therapy provider and it made a world of change for her son.

Story courtesy of WJHG Channel 7

Do you know someone like Will? Then talk to Speak Easy Rehabilitation. We can design a therapeutic plan for children and adults with speech and occupational therapy needs.

#speechtherapy #occupationaltherapy #speakeasyrehab